- Okuma: C2
- Yazma: C2
- Anlama: C2
- Konuşma: C1
- Okuma: B1
- Yazma: B1
- Anlama: B1
- Konuşma: A2
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 50001
Polimerler - Polymers
Sürekli Lifler - Continuous Filaments
Lifler - Fibers
Iplikler - Yarns
Dokuma Kumaşlar - Woven Fabrics
Dokuma Bantlar - Woven Ribbons
Atkı Örme Kumaşlar - Weft Knitted Fabrics
Çözgü Örme Kumaşlar - Warp Knitted Fabrics
Dokusuz Yüzeyler - Nonwovens
Bitmiş Kumaşlar - Finished Fabrics
Bitmiş Örgüler - Finished Knits
Laminasyon Tekstilleri - Laminated Textiles
Kaplamalı Tekstiller - Coated Textiles
Kanvas – Canvas
Teknik Giyim - Technical Clothing
Lif Çekimi - Extrusion
Eğirme - Spinning
Dokuma - Weaving
Atkı Örme - Weft Knitting
Çözgü Örme - Warp Knitting
Dokusuz Yüzey - Nonwoven
Bitim Işlemleri (Terbiye) - Finishing
Laminasyon - Laminating
Kaplama - Coating
Boyama - Dyeing
Dijital Baskı - Digital Printing
Kesme - Cutting
Dikiş - Sewing
Konfeksiyon - Confection
Tarım Teknik Tekstilleri - AGROTECH
Bina ve İnşaat Teknik Tekstilleri - BUILDTECH
Giyim Teknik Tekstilleri - CLOTHTECH
Jeotekstiller - GEOTECH
Ev Teknik Tekstilleri - HOMETECH
Endüstriyel Teknik Tekstiller - INDUTECH
Medikal/Bakım/Hijyen Ürünleri - MEDTECH
Taşımacılık Teknik Tekstilleri - MOBILTECH
Çevre ve Ekolojiyi Koruma Teknik Tekstilleri - OEKOTECH
Ambalaj Teknik Tekstilleri - PACKTECH
Koruyucu Teknik Tekstiller - PROTECH
Spor Teknik Tekstilleri - SPORTTECH
- Doğum Tarihi: 1969
- Cinsiyet: Kadın
- Uyruk: T.C
Mühendislik Fakültesi
Tekstil Mühendisliği
Mühendislik Fakültesi
Tekstil Teknolojileri ve Mühendislik
Mühendislik Fakültesi
Tekstil Mühendisliği
Distance Education Faculty
Sociology Department
İş Tanımı: eaching on textile sector, textile machinery and equipment and its engineering problems and studies, sector analysis, sector research, industry relations, R&D in the faculty and in Denizli textile sector and Turkish textile sector all over the country. She contributed research and development in textile industry through many projects and her studies:
• TUBITAK: Patent support project 1801 TBF -2 international patent application project-Financial fund from the TUBITAK is gained to manage the patenting stages- project coordinator
• TUBITAK: Patent support project 1801 TBF-1 national patent application project-Financial fund from the TUBITAK is gained to manage the patenting stages -project coordinator
• MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITY-YUNSA -Çorlu- Tekirdağ-Gaining the Self-Cleaning Properties of Wool and Wool Blended Fabrics Under Light-Research project - YUNSA textile company- project coordinator
• TUBITAK: Creation of Ecological Multifunctional Characters on Cotton Textile Surfaces with TiO2 and Metal Doping TiO2 Nano Particle Coating, Possible Environmental Effects and Solution Methods-Research project - Denizli textile sector - research person
• TUBITAK: Production of Textile Surfaces with Electromagnetic Shielding Properties and Investigation of Shielding Activity Area of Surfaces-Research project - Denizli textile sector -Project coordinator
• TUBITAK: Investigation of the Effect of Winding and Boss Structure on Coil Dyeing, Designing and Implementation of New Boss Implementation of New Dyeing tube-Research project - Denizli textile sector - research person
• DPT:Pamukkale University Central Laboratory Installation Project-Denizli textile sector - research person
• TUBITAK:Investigation of the Effects of Some Antimicrobial Substances on the Microbiological Efficacy of Cotton Fabrics and Fabric Parameters-Research project - Denizli textile sector - project coordınator
• TUBITAK:Analysis of Life Cycle of Textile Products from an Environmentally Responsible Perspective-Research project - Denizli textile sector - research person
• DPT-Investigation of shedding systems in weaving machines-Research project - research person
Referans Kişi Detayları : Belirtilmemiş
İş Tanımı: teaching, research, industry relations, textile machinery and equipment, R&D studies in textile sector and its engineering problems sector analysis in the faculty and in Denizli, İzmir
• High speed dobby design for weaving machines MİSAG 139-Research project- research person
Referans Kişi Detayları : Belirtilmemiş
İş Tanımı: Textile Engineering Department- teaching, textile machinery and equipment, sector research, industry relations, in the faculty and in Denizli textile sector
Referans Kişi Detayları : Belirtilmemiş
İş Tanımı: assisting textile manufacturing management and export processes
Referans Kişi Detayları : Belirtilmemiş
İş Tanımı: Evaluation and tracing of USETEG project phases
Referans Kişi Detayları: Belirtilmemiş